They sip coffee while eating their croissants, they can't wear religious symbols in schools, they riot in their ghettos, they scoff at our barbarious, intolerant American culture, they haven't won a war since Waterloo, and now their right-wing government wants to make it easier for companies to fire their own youth. French President Jacques Chirac is enraging students, unions, left wing opposition and many other groups with his backing of the CPE, which is a law that will make it easier to fire French workers under the age of 26. With youth unemployment at a shocking 20%, this bill is supposed to help alleviate the problem of unemployment in typically poor, suburban areas of the country. Makes perfect sense. We have an youth unemployment epidemic, naturally the solution would be to make it easier ot fire workers, well youth workers that is. Maybe Chirac and his advisors (?) should spend a little less time ragging on us, and spend a little more time trying to figure out how to justify this joke of a law (and country for that matter)......
In sports, (and crazy African nations) the Nigerian Football Assoication released a statement Friday which claimed that it is okay for their football referees to take bribes...as long as it doesn't effect their calls, decisions and outcomes on the pitch. This is exactly the type of reverse psychology that will no doubt help Nigeria to explode into the 21st century, well the 20th century at least. Nigeria as a nation is seen as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and this holds true with their football league as well. It will be interesting to see if the fairness of the matches spirals downward further, or if by some act of God that by accepting bribes openly football will become less tainted. In any case sign me up, I've got my whistle and cards packed, and am now accepting bids.....
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