Now onto the hot topic in American politics for this week: Immigration. The GOP is spilt over what to do with the estimated 11.5 million "illegal aliens" that reside in the U.S., as well as our future policy regarding immigration. President Bush has explicitly said that he does not believe amnesty is an option, and therefore he introduced his guest worker program. Under this program he wants immigrants to learn English, pass criminal checks, and hold jobs in order to have citizenship. Many feel that amnesty and open borders would be the way to go, costing less money for border control, and allowing immigrants a chance to perform jobs that Americans simply don't want. The debate will remain heated for awhile at least, until the cable news networks and talk radio decides what the next crisis will be in the politcal realm.....
Now onto sports. Michigan dominated Old Dominion last night en route to the NIT championship Thursday night vs. defending champions S. Carolina. This will be seen by most (including this Michigan fan) as another bittersweet reminder that while both teams have had recent NIT success, there has been no NCAA tournament appeareances for the Wolverines since Glenn Rice. It seems that though they teased early in the season, UofM will be condemned to mediocrity for another season finishing the regular season losing 7 of 9 games.... In MLB news, Prior and Wood are both on the 15 day DL to start the season (insert mandatory cubs curse cliche here). Barry Bonds claims that his "life is in shambles" right now with the swiriling steroids controversy, and nagging health problems. It must be a tough life to play professional sports for a living. The good news is that the Red Wings have already clinched a play-off spot, as well as the central division.
-Seacrest out
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