Summer Blockbuster

After a long week and long day, last night Ramble On and his wife along with 4 other friends were able to head to the cinema to enjoy You, Me, and Dupree. This was a typical Owen Wilson movie; doesn't matter what the story line is, because he steals the show. Even with the horrible acting of Matt Dillon and Michael Douglas; Wilson and co star Kate Hudson make a great on screen duo in a very entertaining and funny movie. If you are not a fan of Owen Wilson (which another problem all together) then you will probably not enjoy this one. Besides the movie one other preview caught my attention. There is a new Samuel L. Jackson film coming out in August dubbed a thriller with the ridiculous title Snakes On A Plane. The opening preview seemed to be a don't add your own soundtrack warning that most movies now have, but in fact to everybody's horror it was an actual trailer for an actual movie. The premise being that hundreds of deadly snakes are aboard an airplane in mid-flight who happen to kill the pilots? Then the screen flashes to two almost naked girls making out in the plane lavatory, and then cuts back to the snakes and Samuel L. Jackson wielding a gun on the plane. I don't know what type of financial trouble that Jackson is in, but there are few explanations that I can think of where he willingly agreed to make this movie. If this movie manages to make more than $20 million then I think its time to pack up and get out of the country.
mmmm...Kate Hudson.
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